Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mourning Moon

This month's full moon is called the Mourning Moon.  Here is a bit of info from the pagan/wicca site on

It's a little chillier each day, the skies are a bit grayer, and it's the time of year we call the Mourning Moon. This post-Samhain season is often considered a fallow time, a period in which we rest and rejuvenate. It's also the beginning of a new year for most Pagans and Wiccans - why not use this month to plan your new beginnings for the coming year?

Correspondences this month include colors that match the changing skies -- grays and blues and silvers. Gemstones for this month continue the theme with topaz and lapis lazuli. Take the time this month to honor deities of the dark season like
Isis, Bastet and Hecate. This is a time to wash away your old bad habits and baggage -- get a fresh start for the new year. Dump those toxic relationships that are dragging you down with negativity, and work on strengthening your connection to the Divine and to Self.

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