Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pagan Blog Project - Green Man

There is a tree in my neighbor's yard that looks very much like the Green Man's face to me, especially when clothed in summer leaves.

The Green Man is often seen in April Fool processions, a harbinger of Spring, the fertility of Beltane and the hedonism of long summer days.  Robin Hood, Puck and even Father Christmas wreathed in holly can trace their roots to him.  His appearance in the wheel of the year marks the god's transition from a newborn babe at Yule to a virile god in full glory, consort to the goddess. 

Pagan Blog Project - Full Moon

Is there any sight more beautiful than your garden bathed in the surreal silver light of a full moon?  There's something enchanted about basking in that light, so bright it almost hurts.
It's easy to understand why our ancestors placed so much power and magick in this event.  As each full moon comes around again, give yourself the chance to experience those feelings of love, power and magick for yourself!